Ausgehend von den Praktiken der Community Bibliothek Each One Teach One (EOTO) e.V. in Berlin-Wedding und der legendären Afro-deutschen Magazins Afro-Look (1987-1999) werden Michael Götting, Autor, Bibliothekar und Kurator, und Ricky Reiser, Aktivistin, Redakteurin und autodidaktische Künstlerin, mit Strategien des kollektiven Lesens und Bibliotheksaktivierungen experimentieren.
Tag: Archive Milano
Unpacking our library, Activation #1
Taking as a starting point the pages of the feminist newspaper Kadinlarin Sesi (Women’s Voice), Pınar Öğrenci, artist and filmmaker, and Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu, curator, writer, and educator, explore strategies of collective reading and library activations. While reading the archival material, they make connec- tions between the experiences of former generations of women and today’s artistic and cultural practices.
Unpacking our library, Activation #4
The fourth Unpacking our library activation invites Algerian writer and feminist Wassyla Tamzali to experiment and explore strategies of collective readings and library activations in conversation with the 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘢𝘬 research team composed by artist Touda Bouanani, curator Lea Morin and publisher Maya Ouabadi.
Unpacking our library, Activation #3
Feminist Politika/ Feminist Politics (2009-2015) was a regular feminist journal published by the Socialist Feminist Collective in Turkey. A women-only group, the collective targeted contemporary forms of patriarchy under its mutual interaction with capitalism by situating the category of women’s labour at the core of its analysis.
Publishing Practices
Publishing Practices is a yearly program committed to an expanded idea of publishing not confined to the production and dissemination of printed matters but open to a multi-sensorial reflection on other ways to know and exist.
How can we dismantle the way we know the world? What if the iterative power of knowledge as affirmed and reinforced by patriarchal, colonial and capitalist paradigms is replaced by publishing virtuality, its capacity to re-imagine the wor(l)d as “contingency and possibility” rather than “necessity and determinacy” (Denise Ferreira da Silva)? In which ways can publishing be activated as the ground for collective solidarity and inseparability, and participate in the undoing of fixed marginalities and boundaries?
Practices of rupture. Toward a reparative justice
Archive fellow, artist Alessandra Ferrini, curates the first section of the study day with artistic interventions and discussion with invited speakers Lucrezia Cippitelli, Benjamina Efua Dadzie, and Jermay Michael Gabriel. Their session is followed by interventions by local, recently formed artist collectives Ambaradan think tank and Poly Marchantia. The study day closes with a screening of a video by Chihying Musquiqui and an intervention by Anawana Haloba.
Monsters, Catastrophes and the Anthropocene: A Postcolonial Critique
Gaia Giuliani presenta il suo ultimo libro Monsters, Catastrophes and the Anthropocene: A Postcolonial Critique, (Routledge: London, 2020), in un percorso che esplora gli immaginari occidentali su disastri naturali, migrazioni di massa e terrorismo secondo una lettura postcoloniale, dalla quale emerge lo sguardo europeo su mostruosità e catastrofi.
Muna Mussie solo exhibition የቦሎኛ ጎዳና | شارع بولونيا
For her solo exhibition,የቦሎኛ ጎዳና | شارع بولونيا | Bologna St. 173, Muna Mussie’s performative installation encompasses the open floor plan of Archive Milan, whose essence is a single movement of braids rising horizontally from the force of danced movement.
Archive Milano
Through its new site in Milan, Archive strives to challenge and unravel a monolithic idea of Italy based on the assertion of whiteness. Archive is a space of intertwining trajectories, taking into account a plurality of art, cultural and political forms, histories, legacies, and perspectives—among them, Milan’s anti-fascist tradition and its support of anti-colonial struggles.
On Fragments and Historical Erasure
Archive is thrilled to begin its activities in Milan with a talk on archival research, anti-colonial militancy, and processes of historical erasure by artist and researcher Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa. In her talk she unraveled the lines of inquiry driving her project Carrying Yours and Standing Between You, that presents her research into the life of the revolutionary Pan-Africanist Amy Ashwood Garvey.