The fourth Unpacking our library activation invites Algerian writer and feminist Wassyla Tamzali to experiment and explore strategies of collective readings and library activations in conversation with the 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘢𝘬 research team composed by artist Touda Bouanani, curator Lea Morin and publisher Maya Ouabadi.

Publishing Practices. Gathering Collectives # 1: Casa Kuà and Sickness Affinity Group
18-19 December 2021
Contested Landscapes is dedicated to the often neglected rural space, its landscapes and its producers. Rural production acts in the complex fabric of human and non-human life, between state regulations and regional as well as global market structures. Issues of industrialization, biodiversity, climate change and sustainability shape everyday agricultural life. To this end, the event seeks an exchange between artists, rural producers, urbanists and city dwellers, since the city is hardly thinkable without rural production.

Contested Landscapes
18-19 December 2021
Contested Landscapes is dedicated to the often neglected rural space, its landscapes and its producers. Rural production acts in the complex fabric of human and non-human life, between state regulations and regional as well as global market structures. Issues of industrialization, biodiversity, climate change and sustainability shape everyday agricultural life. To this end, the event seeks an exchange between artists, rural producers, urbanists and city dwellers, since the city is hardly thinkable without rural production.

Unpacking our library, Activation #2
Ausgehend von den Praktiken der Community Bibliothek Each One Teach One (EOTO) e.V. in Berlin-Wedding und der legendären Afro-deutschen Magazins Afro-Look (1987-1999) werden Michael Götting, Autor, Bibliothekar und Kurator, und Ricky Reiser, Aktivistin, Redakteurin und autodidaktische Künstlerin, mit Strategien des kollektiven Lesens und Bibliotheksaktivierungen experimentieren.